
  • Hva er ytringsfrihet


    e-bok, 2021, Norsk (bokmål), ISBN 9788215058092

    Ytringsfrihet er friheten til å søke, motta og meddele informasjon og opplysninger. Og det er friheten til å uttrykke oss på den måten vi selv ønsker. Et folkestyre forutsetter

  • Best å holde kjeft?


    e-bok, 2019, Norsk (bokmål), ISBN 9788202542429

    Frank Rossavik har en lang karriere som journalist, forfatter, redaktør og kommentator i norsk presse, han har også spesielle forutsetninger for å uttale seg om spørsmålene han tar

  • De korrekte


    e-bok, 2022, Norsk (bokmål), ISBN 9788202765910

    Identitetspolitikk, kansellering og presset mot det liberale samfunn. Begrepene som har preget samfunnsdebatten de senere årene kan være vanskelig å forstå og forholde seg til. Hva

  • Better Left Unsaid


    e-bok, 2013, Engelsk, ISBN 9780804784870

    Better Left Unsaid is in the unseemly position of defending censorship from the central allegations that are traditionally leveled against it. Taking two genres generally presumed

  • Freedom from Speech


    e-bok, 2014, Engelsk, ISBN 9781594038082

    This is a surreal time for freedom of speech. While the legal protections of the First Amendment remain strong, the culture is obsessed with punishing individuals for allegedly

  • Red Lines

    av ,

    e-bok, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262366922

    A lively graphic narrative reports on censorship of political cartoons around the world, featuring interviews with censored cartoonists from Pittsburgh to Beijing.Why do the

  • Censoring Art

    e-bok, 2018, Engelsk, ISBN 9781838608118

    Art is continuously subjected to insidious forms of censorship. This may be by the Church to guard against moral degeneration, by the State to promote a specific political agenda

  • Publishing against Apartheid South Africa


    e-bok, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781108660990
    Fra 170,-

    In many parts of the world, oppositional publishing has emerged in contexts of state oppression. In South Africa, censorship laws were enacted in the 1960s, and the next decade saw

  • Free Expression and Democracy


    e-bok, 2017, Engelsk, ISBN 9781316774335
    Fra 477,-

    Free Expression and Democracy takes on the assumption that limits on free expression will lead to authoritarianism or at least a weakening of democracy. That hypothesis is tested

  • Singapore


    e-bok, 2018, Engelsk, ISBN 9781108583305
    Fra 232,-

    Contemporary Singapore is simultaneously a small postcolonial multicultural nation state and a cosmopolitan global city. To manage fundamental contradictions, the state takes the