Revolusjoner og kupp

  • All the Shah's Men


    heftet, 2008, Engelsk, ISBN 9780470185490

    With a thrilling narrative that sheds much light on recent events, this national bestseller brings to life the 1953 CIA coup in Iran that ousted the country's elected prime

  • Revolutionary Republicanism


    heftet, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9781032190914

    Revolutionary Republicanism provides a history of French republicanism seen through a seminal episode of its creation – the 1848 revolution.The process of reinventing republicanism

  • Om revolusjon


    heftet, 2024, Norsk (bokmål), ISBN 9788283421699

    Frihet er alltid frihet for de som tenker annerledes. Polsk-tyske Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919), også kjent som «Røde Rosa», var en viktig lederskikkelse i den europeiske

  • The Kurds in a Changing Middle East

    heftet, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9780755651054

    The Kurds are one of the largest stateless nations in the world, numbering more than 20 million people. Their homeland lies mostly within the present-day borders of Turkey, Iraq

  • Nightmarch


    heftet, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9781787385993

    In one of the world's most intractable and under-reported rebellions, the Naxalites have been engaged in a decades-long battle with the Indian state. Presented in the media as a

  • On Revolution


    heftet, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9780571327416

    When should we revolt? A life-changing insight into violent political change by one of the world's greatest political thinkers and author of surprise recent bestseller The Origins

  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution


    heftet, 2011, Engelsk, ISBN 9781905570355

    Why did the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia include more financiers than medical doctors? Rather than caring for the victims of war and revolution, its members seemed

  • If They Come in the Morning


    heftet, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9781784787691

    The trial of Angela Davis is remembered as one of America's most historic political trials, and no one can tell the story better than Davis herself. Opening with a letter from

  • Civil Resistance


    heftet, 2021, Engelsk, ISBN 9780190244408

    A sweeping overview of civil resistance movements around the world that explains what they are, how they work, why they are often effective, and why they can fail. Civil resistance

  • Soviet Politics 1917-1991


    heftet, 1992, Engelsk, ISBN 9780198780670

    In October 1917 revolution swept away the Tsarist system under which Russia had assimilated its neighbouring states. Led by Lenin, the Communist Party transformed this empire into