Religiøse skoler

  • Ladders of Beauty


    heftet, 2006, Engelsk, ISBN 9783039111749

    Pedagogy and hierarchy are intimately connected. This book traces historical versions of the relationship between hierarchy and education through four key figures: Plato,

  • Come Follow Me and Foresake Temptation


    heftet, 2004, Engelsk, ISBN 9783039103812

    Nowadays, lay teachers predominate in Catholic schools throughout the English-speaking world. Yet, for over a century the Catholic teaching force was heavily influenced by the

  • Baustelle Religion

    heftet, 2004, Tysk, ISBN 9783906766546

    Eine breite Diskussion um den Religionsunterricht (RU) ist notwendig, denn er steht mitten in einem Paradigmenwechsel. Die Multikulturalitat und -religiositat stellt die Lehrenden