
  • Herodotus


    pocket, 1998, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300072303

    Herodotus, widely known as the father of history, was also described by Aristotle as a mythologos, or "tale-teller." In this stylish and insightful book, intended for both general

  • Horace


    pocket, 1989, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300045734

    Among the greatest names in Roman—and European—poetry has always been that of Horace.  Through all the centuries since his death in 8 B.C., his superb poetic craftsmanship has

  • Hesiod


    pocket, 1988, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300040692

    Standing at the very beginning of European literature, the poems and verse fragments that have come down to us under Hesiod’s name tap the vast reservoir of oral tradition

  • Homer


    pocket, 1985, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300033953

    Most studies of the Homeric poems have been dominated by the historical and anthropological views, concentrating on their place in the oral tradition and diverting attention from

  • Plutarch


    pocket, 2002, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300088113

    Written around the year 100, Plutarch’s Lives have shaped perceptions of the accomplishments of the ancient Greeks and Romans for nearly two thousand years. This engaging and

  • Ovid


    pocket, 1988, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300042955

    Of all the poets of ancient Rome Ovid had perhaps the most influence on the art and literature of Medieval and Renaissance Europe.  Even today he is probably the most accessible of

  • Aeschylus


    pocket, 1986, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300036435

    Aeschylus can be called the creator of the art of tragedy in the Western tradition.  Author of the first dramas that have survived in their entirety, he was also one of the world’s

  • Pindar


    pocket, 1985, Engelsk, ISBN 9780300033939

    Pindar has for centuries been the least understood and appreciated of the great classical poets, for the type of composition by which he is now chiefly represent—the ode written on