Kunst: Generelle tema

  • The Design Way

    av ,

    pocket, 2014, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262526708

    A book that lays out the fundamental concepts of design culture and outlines a design-driven way to approach the world.Humans did not discover fire-they designed it. Design is not

  • Theory of Colours


    pocket, 1970, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262570213

    By closely following Goethe's explanations of the color phenomena, the reader may become so divorced from the wavelength theory-Goethe never even mentions it-that he may begin to

  • Think Tank Aesthetics


    tekstilinnbinding, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262043526

    How the approaches and methods of think tanks-including systems theory, operational research, and cybernetics-paved the way for a peculiar genre of midcentury modernism.In Think

  • A Primer of Visual Literacy


    pocket, 1974, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262540292

    This primer is designed to teach students the interconnected arts of visual communication. The subject is presented, not as a foreign language, but as a native one that the student

  • Art Power


    pocket, 2013, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262518680

    A new book by Boris Groys acknowledges the problem and potential of art's complex relationship to power.Art has its own power in the world, and is as much a force in the power play

  • The Open Eye in Learning

    pocket, 1974, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262520324

    An examination of art education in secondary schools and colleges, asking what kinds of courses best fulfill educational and personal needs.The contributors to this volume are

  • Retracing the Expanded Field

    tekstilinnbinding, 2014, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262027595

    Scholars and artists revisit a hugely influential essay by Rosalind Krauss and map the interactions between art and architecture over the last thirty-five years.Expansion,

  • Propositions for Non-Fascist Living

    pocket, 2019, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262537896

    Artists, theorists, activists, and scholars propose concrete forms of non-fascist living as the rise of contemporary fascisms threatens the foundations of common life.Propositions

  • The Contingent Object of Contemporary Art


    pocket, 2005, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262524421

    An exploration of transformations in the nature of the art object and artistic authorship in the last four decades.In this book, Martha Buskirk addresses the interesting fact that

  • The Curatorial Conundrum

    pocket, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9780262529105

    The future of curatorial practice: how education, research, and institutions can adapt to the expansion of the curatorial field.Today curators are sometimes more famous than the