Jødedom: andaktsliv, ritualer og sermonier

  • A Formula for Proper Living


    pocket, 2009, Engelsk, ISBN 9781683365433

    Extraordinary wisdom to help you understand yourself, lead your life and deal with other people. "As human beings, we have instincts for both good and evil, conscious and

  • All These Vows

    pocket, 2011, Engelsk, ISBN 9781681629759

    The most memorable prayer of the Jewish New Year--what it means, why we sing it, and the secret of its magical appeal.Through a series of lively commentaries, over thirty

  • All the World

    pocket, 2014, Engelsk, ISBN 9781681629742

    Why be Jewish?A fascinating dialogue across denominations of the High Holy Days and their message of Jewish purpose beyond mere survival.Almost forty contributors from three

  • A Partner in Holiness Vol 2

    av ,

    pocket, 2014, Engelsk, ISBN 9781681629636

    Find inspiration for a satisfying spiritual life of practice through the combination of contemporary mindfulness meditation and classical Hasidic spirituality."The lessons in

  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Memory Book 2/E

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    pocket, 2006, Engelsk, ISBN 9781683365457

    A spiritual keepsake that will become a family heirloom.The companion book to the author's Putting God on the Guest List: How to Reclaim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Child's Bar

  • Freedom Journeys

    av ,

    pocket, 2011, Engelsk, ISBN 9781683360681

    How does the story of the Exodus echo in our own generation and in our own lives?"For us to hear the Oneness of God, we must grow into a place where the cosmic and the political

  • Journeys to a Jewish Life


    pocket, 2007, Engelsk, ISBN 9781683361596

    Follow the soul treks of Jews lost and found. Be inspired to connect with Judaism in new ways. "No two people take the same journey.... Yet the telling of each story can ease the

  • May God Remember

    pocket, 2013, Engelsk, ISBN 9781683361886

    An engaging and sobering look at memorializing in Judaism and why memory--ours and God's--is so central to people.Through a series of lively introductions and commentaries, over

  • Me, Myself and God


    pocket, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9781580238755

    Heal from the sense of separation that pervades human consciousness and awaken to the true oneness of all things. Long description: Many of our human existential struggles stem

  • Mourning and Mitzvah (25th Anniversary Edition)


    pocket, 2017, Engelsk, ISBN 9781683366737

    Fully revised with a new author's preface, epilogue, and over a dozen new guided exercises, Anne Brener brings us an innovative integration of Jewish tradition and modern