Sökt på: Böcker av Nancy Friday
totalt 23 träffar
Sådan dotter, sådan mor
I denna klassiker utforskar Nancy Friday relationen mellan mor och dotter, och vikten den har i personlig utveckling. Att en kvinna kan inte utvecklas till fullo innan hon har …
Kvinnors sexuella fantasier
Nancy Fridays bok, i svensk översättning 1992, är en banbrytande undersökning av nittiotalets kvinnor och deras syn på erotik. Länge ansågs det att kvinnor inte hade sexuella …
My Mother, Myself
Nancy Friday shows that the key to a woman's character lies in her relationship with her mother - that first binding relationship which becomes the model for so much of a woman's …
Power of Beauty
Reflections on how physical appearance, and beliefs about it, affect women’s lives from a #1 bestselling author who’s “enormously fun to read” (The New York Times). Beauty and …
Die sexuellen Phantasien der Frauen
Beyond My Control
Nancy Friday was one the sexual revolution's most controversial figures, captivating the world with her 1973 mega-bestseller, "My Secret Garden". In "Beyond My Control", Friday …
Die sexuellen Phantasien der Männer
Men in Love
It is a study of the secret, erotic fantasies that men have always kept hidden, a taboo-shattering investigation that reveals the deepest, most conflicting feelings that men have …
My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity
When Nancy Friday began her research for My Mother/My Self in the early 1970's no work existed that explored the unique interaction between mother and daughter. Today …
Women on Top
A classic work on how women think about sex, from the New York Times–bestselling author of My Secret Garden and My Mother/Myself. Nancy Friday’s groundbreaking books such as …
My Mother/My Self
When Nancy Friday began her research for My Mother/My Self in the early 1970’s no work existed that explored the unique interaction between mother and daughter. Today …
Forbidden Flowers
Since the 1968 publication of Nancy Friday's outspoken erotic masterpiece, My Secret Garden, women's sexual lives have undergone a revolution - and so have their fantasy lives.