Hakutulokset: harpia publishing
yhteensä 6 hakutulosta
Operation Eldorado Canyon
If asked to pinpoint the beginning of the war against Islamic extremism, most would probably say September 11, 2001. However, there has been tension between Islamic autocracies and …
Modern Russian Air Power, Volume 1
This volume launches a new series of three books from Harpia Publishing about Russian air power. The first two volumes present all types of military aircraft currently operated by …
Red Dragon Bombers
Describing the bomber force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is a unique task. Compared to recent Chinese fighters, much less has been published on the development of …
Modern Japanese Air Power
Japan is increasingly becoming a key player in the Indo-Pacific security environment, as regional tensions ramp up over a variety of different factors including the rise of China, …
Modern Turkish Air Power
Harpia Publishing presents an in-depth look at the Turkish Air Force focusing on the varied manned aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) currently in service, its structure, …
People’S Liberation Army Surface-to-Air Missile Forces
This book analyses the capabilities of the People's Republic of China's surface-to-air missile (SAM) units. It covers not just Air Force SAMs, but the entire SAM network, composed …