Hakutulokset: Done By Deer
yhteensä 98 hakutulosta

Done by Deer Silicone Stick&Stay snackplate Croco Powder
Croco is ready to make snack time fun! The stick & stay snack plate with three separate compartments will stay in place and help little eaters snack away. Press the plate down …

Done by Deer Silicone spoon 2-pack Lalee Blue
When your little one is eating on their own, it's nice to have a companion by the hand. With this 2-pack silicone spoons your toddler can always enjoy a meal with Lalee. The spoons …

Stick & stay Silikontallrik, Elphee, blue, Done By Deer
Praktisk tallrik från Done By Deer i silikon. Pressa ned tallriken så fastnar den på släta ytor och står stadigt. En easy-release är gömd …

Puinen helistin Birdee Blue Done By Deer
Birdee puuruiskepään viihdyttää lastasi varhaisesta iästä lähtien. Päässä on paljon pieniä sensorisia yksityiskohtia, jotka stimuloivat lastasi. Birdee on myös hirviystävä, kun …

Done by Deer Sleeved pocket bib Stripes Sand
Learning to eat on your own can get messy! The Sleeved pocket bib protects your little eater during mealtime or when colouring, painting or getting creative with other stuff. An …

Done by Deer Kiddish cutlery set Deer friends Blue
The Kiddish cutlery set with Deer friends has rounded shapes for toddlers to safely practice eating on their own. The cutlery is well dimensioned for little hands and thoroughly …

Done by Deer Kiddish mini mug 2-pack Croco Blue
Croco is sneaking by to say hello! A perfectly sized set of Kiddish mini mugs that are easy for little hands to grasp. The shatterproof cups are designed for the kids' everyday …

Done by Deer Silicone dinner set Happy clouds Papaya
The Silicone dinner set with Happy clouds will make mealtime fun. The practical anti-slip and easy grip silicone starter set includes a kids' plate, a bowl and a mini mug. Perfect …

Bib 2-pack Stripes Blue/Green Done by Deer
Lapsi, jonka lapset voivat pukea itselleen. Ne on helppo pyyhkiä pois, ja niissä on älykäs tasku ruokaroiskeiden keräämistä varten.Hellävarainen pesu 30°C. Ripusta kuivumaan.Ikä: …

Rannehelisee 2-pack Happy Clouds Blue Dony By Deer
Happy clouds -rannekorusetissa on 2 pehmeää vauva-rannekorua sinisillä yksityiskohdilla• Suositellaan 0 kuukauden iästä lähtien• Täydellinen sensoriselle stimulaatiolle, kehon …

Done by Deer Easy-grip spoon and fork set Deer friends Powder
The Deer friends Easy-grip cutlery set with a spoon and fork ensures a steady grip and help keep little eaters focused on the task at hand. Having the perfect tools is essential …

Glas 3-Pack Happy Clouds Green Done by Deer
Glasen är designade för små händer att hålla i. Croco, Birdee och deras glada moln kommer att välkomna dig runt hela glaset. Glaset är genomskinligt och de glada molnen i gröna …