Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta James W. Heisig
yhteensä 18 hakutulosta
In Praise of Civility
Through telling stories about civility, this little book aims to provoke second thoughts about the effects of incivility on our lives and the lives of those around us. As short …
Philosophers of Nothingness
The past twenty years have seen the publication of numerous translations and commentaries on the principal philosophers of the Kyoto School, but so far no general overview and …
Per ricordare i kanji 1: Corso mnemonico per l'apprendimento veloce di scrittura e significato dei caratteri giapponesi
Anche disponibile in formato EPUB per iTunes. In questo libro l'autore, il prof. James W. Heisig, utilizza una tecnica innovatrice per ricordare i 2200 kanji, cio gli ideogrammi …
Remembering Simplified Hanzi 2
This book is the second of two volumes designed to help students learn the meaning and writing of the 3,000 most frequently used simplified Chinese characters. (A parallel set of …
Vereinfachte Hanzi Lernen Und Behalten 2: Bedeutung Und Schreibweise Der Haufigsten Chinesischen Schriftzeichen (1501-3000)
Dieser zweite Teil von "Vereinfachte Hanzi lernen und behalten" bringt Bedeutung und Schreibweise weiterer 1500 der haufigsten 3000 chinesischen Schriftzeichen. Die seit …