Hakutulokset: Kirjat kustantajalta lexington books
yhteensä 17 100 hakutulosta

Liminal Spaces in Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Scholars in the field of children’s literature studies began taking an interest in the concept of “liminal spaces” around the turn of the 21st century. For the first time, Liminal …

Art and Nuclear Power
Humanity is struggling with the environmental destruction and social change caused by modern technologies like nuclear reactors. Politicians, scientists, and business leaders all …

The Rhetorical Power of Children's Literature
The Rhetorical Power of Children's Literature is an edited volume with contributions from established and new scholars of rhetoric offering case studies that analyze a full array …

Ecocriticism in Japan
What can ecocriticism do when engaging with Japanese literature and culture? This edited volume Ecocriticism in Japan attempts to answer this question. The contributors place …

The Bonin Islanders, 1830 to the Present
This book is a collection of interwoven historical narratives that present an intriguing and little known account of the Ogasawara (Bonin) archipelago and its inhabitants. The …

Prophet al-Khidr
The Qur’anic verses 18:60–82 in Surat al-Kahf present the story of Khi?r and Moses as a lesson on the modalities of being and of knowing. Traditionally, the story is seen from a …

Reflections on the Music of Ennio Morricone
Reflections on the Music of Ennio Morricone: Fame and Legacy provides new contextualized perspectives on Ennio Morricone’s position as a radical composer working at the cutting …

Science Communication and Public Engagement
This book offers a historical description of science communication and addresses the gaps in the literature with the correspondent counterproposals to address these issues to …

The Philosophy of Christopher Nolan
As a director, writer, and producer, Christopher Nolan has substantially impacted contemporary cinema through avant garde films, such as Following and Memento, and his contribution …

Critical Ecofeminism
Australian feminist philosopher Val Plumwood coined the term “critical ecofeminism” to “situate humans in ecological terms and non-humans in ethical terms,” for “the two tasks are …

China and America’s Tech War from AI to 5G
China and America’s Tech War from AI to 5G examines how Sino-U.S. geopolitical competition has increasingly centered on the performances of the two countries’ technology sectors …

A Sociology of Hikikomori
Hikikomori, which literally means “withdrawal,” is considered an increasingly prevalent form of social isolation in Japanese society. This issue has been attracting worldwide …