Hakutulokset: Kirjat kustantajalta de gruyter
yhteensä 97 240 hakutulosta

A History of Early Christian Creeds
This history of early Christian creeds contains an up-to-date account of their origin and development from the credal texts in the New Testament to the fully fledged classical …

The Tragedy of Ukraine
The conflict in Ukraine has deep domestic roots. A third of the population, primarily in the East and South, regards its own Russian cultural identity as entirely compatible with a …

The DAO of Complexity
Finalist in the Leadership - Think Differently category of the Goody Business Book Awards 2024 The pandemic, climate change, rising populism, geo-political unrest – just a few of …

The Scaling Value Playbook
Learn how to scale your business or organization and overcome the challenges in moving innovation to scale. The Scaling Value Playbook provides an overview of the challenges in …

Violence and Nihilism
Nihilism seems to be per definition linked to violence. Indeed, if the nihilist is a person who acknowledges no moral or religious authority, then what does stop him from …

50 Essentials on Science Communication
Science communication is becoming increasingly important. Research institutions, scientists and science communicators want to engage with society, share their knowledge and build …

The Road to Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the latest chapter in a series of events that have their origins in World War One. The difficult existential questions that emerged before and …

De Gruyter Handbook of Humor Studies
The De Gruyter Handbook of Humor Studies consolidates the cumulative contributions in theory and research on humor from 57 international scholars representing 21 different …

Writing Systems and Their Use
Grapholinguistics, the multifaceted study of writing systems, is growing increasingly popular, yet to date no coherent account covering and connecting its major branches exists. …

Zones of Focused Ambiguity in Siri Hustvedt’s Works
This collection comprises essays from various interdisciplinary perspectives – e.g. literary scholarship, intermediality, art history, psychoanalysis, philosophy, and medicine – to …

Narratives of Annihilation, Confinement, and Survival
The concept of “camp narratives” rather than “Holocaust narratives” or “Gulag narratives” is based on the assumption that literary accounts of camp experiences share common traits, …