Hakutulokset: Hakutulos
yhteensä 5 hakutulosta
The Red Decades
Focusing on previously neglected cultural expressions of colonial-period Korean socialism such as Marxist philosophy, Marxist historiography, and travelogues by socialist writers, …
Dawn of Labor
Dawn of Labor, at last translated into English, is the legendary South Korean poet Park Nohae’s first collection, published in 1984 when he was twenty-seven years old. Despite a …
Moral Authoritarianism
Moral Authoritarianism offers a new perspective on the three modern Korean states-the Japanese colonial state, South Korea, and North Korea-by studying neighborhood associations …
Invented Traditions in North and South Korea
Almost forty years after the publication of Hobsbawm and Ranger’s The Invention of Tradition, the subject of invented traditions-cultural and historical practices that claim a …