Hakutulokset: Hakutulos
yhteensä 8 hakutulosta
Dispatches from a Time Between Worlds
Fourteen leading metamodern writers create and inspire viable and desirable futures in this time between worlds, where one pattern of collective life is dying and another needs our …
Theology in the Capitalocene
Political Orthodoxies
Dispatches on nationalism and religionAs an insider to church politics and a scholar of contemporary Orthodoxy, Cyril Hovorun outlines forms of political orthodoxy in Orthodox …
Theology, Comedy, Politics
What relevance has comedy for the global crises of late-modernity and the theological critique thereof? Coming out of the experience of war, a generation of modern theologians such …
The Art of Living for A Technological Age
The Art of Living for A Technological Age sketches the crisis of our late modern age, where persons are enamored by the promises of progress and disciplined to form by the power of …
Interrupting a Gendered, Violent Church
The Bible as Political Artifact
Susanne Scholz is professor of Old Testament at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas. She is the author of Sacred Witness: Rape in the Hebrew Bible (Fortress Press, 2010), …
Theology and the Globalized Present
Theology and the Globalized Present focuses on the world's future in God and God's creativeness. In response to a globalized economy that reconfigures time to the detriment of …