Hakutulokset: Hakutulos
yhteensä 4 hakutulosta

Boken om makt; hva er det, hvem har det, og hv
Dette er en av de bøkene som KAN GJØRE EN FORSKJELL i et ungt menneskes liv. For i seg selv er MAKT VERKEN BRA ELLER DÅRLIG, det kommer helt an på hvordan man velger å bruke …

Adventures in STEAM: Vehicles
Take a look at how aeroplanes are designed, how they take off and how engineers make sure they stay up in the sky. Find out about cars, trains, boats and helicopters, explore …

Stand Against: Pollution and Waste
A young activist's guide filled with real ways to make a differenceGet motivated to stand against pollution and waste in your community and the world with this introduction to …

Eco STEAM: The Stuff We Buy
What are the problems and challenges we face around the world when it comes to the stuff we buy? How can we reduce, reuse and recycle the things we own, to avoid wasting them and …