Hakutulokset: Hakutulos
yhteensä 6 hakutulosta
Hestens anatomi
Hestens anatomi er en reise gjennom hestens kropp. Hvordan fungerer en hest? Hva er nødvendig for at den skal kunne bevege seg, puste og spise? Hvilke strukturer i kroppen kan vi …
Erkenne dein Pferd in den 5 Elementen
Zivilisationskrankheiten des Pferdes
Family Norms and Images in Transition
Bestandigkeit und Wandel - beides symbolisiert die Familie in Zeiten beschleunigten globalen Wandels. In diesem Buch werden verschiedene Bruche und Kontinuitaten in medialen …
A Journey Through the Horse's Body
The horse's organs, from nostrils to tail, are presented with their structures and functions, in this book that covers the musculoskeletal system, the horse's senses, the brain and …
Communicating with Our Families
Communicating with Our Families: Continuity, Interruption, and Transformation explores the impact of personal communication technologies on family communication. In this historical …