Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Vladimir Melnikov
yhteensä 15 hakutulosta
33-ja armija v bitve za Moskvu
Permafrost Response on Economic Development, Environmental Security and Natural Resources
Unlike connotations such as greenhouse effect. global change, sea level, desertification, etc. , permafrost is definitely lacking in the everyday speech of many non-specialists. …
SoderzhanieOt avtorov Razdel I. INSTRUMENT Vybor instrumenta Nastrojka Khranenie Ukhod za rukami Razdel II. PERVONACHALNYE NAVYKI IGRY NA INSTRUMENTE Posadka igrajuschego …
Poslednij boj generala Efremova
Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems
This volume, a celebration of Anthony Joseph’s fundamental influence on classical and quantized representation theory, explores a wide array of current topics in Lie theory by …
Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems
This volume, a celebration of Anthony Joseph's fundamental influence on classical and quantized representation theory, explores a wide array of current topics in Lie theory by …
Studies in Lie Theory
Dedicated to Anthony Joseph, this volume contains surveys and invited articles by leading specialists in representation theory. The focus here is on semisimple Lie algebras and …
Metodika prepodavanija distsipliny "Rastenievodstvo". Uchebnoe posobie
V uchebnom posobii osvescheny osnovnye metody, zadachi, soderzhanie i protsess obuchenija studentov po uchebnoj i nauchnoj distsipline "Rastenievodstvo" cherez prizmu …
Superconductors at the Nanoscale
By covering theory, design, and fabrication of nanostructured superconducting materials, this monograph is an invaluable resource for research and development. Examples are energy …
Sdelki i ih nedejstvitel'nost' v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave
V vjazemskom koltse. «Russkie derzhatsja chrezvychajno muzhestvenno»
Tragicheskoj sudbe 33-j armii M.G. Efremova, popavshej v nemetskij kotel jugo-vostochnee Vjazmy, v poslednie gody udeleno nemalo vnimanija, no vot o tom, kak okruzhennye divizii v …