Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Turid Rugaas
yhteensä 21 hakutulosta
Rauhoittavat signaalit
Turid Rugaas: Rauhoittavat signaalit Uusittu, runsaammin kuvitettu painos Puheväleihin koiran kanssa! Koirien rauhoittavien signaalien tunteminen on koiranystävälle …
Kiskomatta paras
Turid Rugaas Kiskomatta paras - mitä teen kun koirani vetää hihnassa? Uutuus Rauhoittavat signaalit -kirjan tekijältä! Hihnassa vetävä koira on monen koiranomistajan arkea. …
On Talking Terms With Dogs
Norwegian dog trainer Turid Rugaas taught the world that humans cannot only learn to read canine body language but use their own body language to communicate with dogs. One of the …
Barking, the Sound of a Language
Barking is natural and almost all dogs bark. It is one of the many ways dogs communicate with each other as well as with humans. In this book, author Turid Rugaas, well known for …
How to Raise a Puppy
How to Raise a Puppy moves away from the traditional approach to raising puppies, focused on obedience and control, and instead takes an holistic, dog-centred approach. Drawing on …
Norwegian dog trainer and behaviorist Turid Rugaas is a noted expert on canine body language, notably ?calming signals,? which are signals dogs use to avoid conflict, invite play, …
My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do?
Wouldn't it be great if your dog walked politely on a leash instead of making it a tug-of-war? From Norwegian dog trainer Turid Rugaas, it's easy to learn and works on any age, …
Calming Signals: What Your Dog Tells You
How to Raise a Healthy, Happy Dog
Together, these two books will help you raise a puppy who is both physically and mentally healthy and happy. How to Build a Puppy shows how to make some very simple changes to your …
How to Raise a Puppy
How to Raise a Puppy moves away from the traditional approach to raising puppies, focused on obedience and control, and instead takes an holistic, dog-centred approach. Drawing on …
How to Raise a Puppy
How to Raise a Puppy moves away from the traditional approach to raising puppies, focused on obedience and control, and instead takes an holistic, dog-centred approach. Drawing on …