Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Mette Moller
yhteensä 8 hakutulosta
Beginning Analysis
How does a psychoanalysis begin? What goes on when analyst and prospective analysand meet for the first time, and what processes are activated to make the project for an analysis …
Beginning Analysis
How does a psychoanalysis begin? What goes on when analyst and prospective analysand meet for the first time, and what processes are activated to make the project for an analysis …
Public Bureaucracy and Digital Transformation
This book assesses how digitalization of public organizations affects their bureaucratic structure and features. Drawing on rich ethnographic data from two highly digitalized …
Initiating Psychoanalysis
Initiating Psychoanalysis presents an international collection of papers brought together by the Working Party on Initiating Psychoanalysis of the European Psychoanalytic …
Public Bureaucracy and Digital Transformation
This book assesses how digitalization of public organizations affects their bureaucratic structure and features. Drawing on rich ethnographic data from two highly digitalized …
Beginning Analysis
How does a psychoanalysis begin? What goes on when analyst and prospective analysand meet for the first time, and what processes are activated to make the project for an analysis …
Medicinske sygdomme
Medicinske sygdomme – Sygdomslære og sygepleje, 13. udgave, er gennemgående revideret og opdateret. En lang række læger og sygeplejersker har bidraget med deres specialviden i …
Skriften på Væggen
Fra storbyens lille lejlighed drømmer hun om sin barndoms somre i Vestjylland, hvor hugorme lå og solede sig på heden, mens bedstemor lavede verdens dejligste rødgrød, for en …