Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Mats Forsgren
yhteensä 9 hakutulosta
Modern italiensk grammatik
Modern italiensk grammatik i upplaga 5 har tydliga regler och moderna exempel. Den är skriven för alla kategorier av italienskstuderande på mellannivå.I första hand speglas det …
Modern italiensk grammatik Övningsbok med Facit
Modern italiensk grammatik i upplaga 5 har tydliga regler och moderna exempel. Den är skriven för alla kategorier av italienskstuderande på mellannivå.I första hand speglas det …
Managing the Internationalization Process (Routledge Revivals)
Few nations have internationalized their business operations as successfully as the Swedes. This book, first published in 1989, looks at the process in detail, examining the …
Theories of the Multinational Firm
Used internationally at undergraduate and postgraduate level, this highly successful textbook presents, analyses and compares six different theories of the multinational firm that …
Theories of the Multinational Firm
Internationally useful at undergraduate and postgraduate level, the fourth edition of this highly successful textbook analyzes and compares six different theories of the …
Managing the Internationalization Process (Routledge Revivals)
Few nations have internationalized their business operations as successfully as the Swedes. This book, first published in 1989, looks at the process in detail, examining the …
Managing the Embedded Multinational
This book expands the business network view on managerial issues in multinational corporations. Specifically, it scrutinises the importance of a subsidiary's external and internal …
Theories of the Multinational Firm
Apelsinlunden : En roman om konflikten i Mellanöstern
I ett land någonstans i Mellanöstern lever tvillingbröderna Amed and Aziz ett fridfullt liv i skuggan av träden i familjens apelsinlund. Plötsligt en dag faller en bomb och deras …