Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Margaret Lee
yhteensä 153 hakutulosta
The Handbook of Trauma-Transformative Practice
The definitive Handbook of Trauma-Transformative Practice brings together the work of leading international trauma experts to provide a detailed overview of trauma-informed …
Ei avioituvaa tyyppiä / Rakastajatar / Rakkauden sylissä
Ei avioituvaa tyyppiäElämän loppuun asti ei ole Warwickia varten...Riskinotto sopii minun pomolleni, brittimiljonääri Warwick Kincaidille – kunhan sitä ei tarvitse tehdä avioliiton …
A Dictionary of Creation Myths
"God made Heaven, and then, after measuring the space underneath with a ball of thread, he began to form the earth. A mole asked to help, and God gave him the thread to hold while …
Kaksi asiaa ja onni / Kartanonperijä / Kupido leikkimielellä
Kaksi asiaa ja onniHeti sen jälkeen, kun Rowan ja Isandro ovat menneet naimisiin, Rowan kohtaa kaksi asiaa, jotka tulevat muuttamaan hänen elämänsä ainiaaksi. Toinen niistä saa …
The Routledge Handbook of Property, Law and Society
This handbook brings together diverse perspectives, major topics, and multiple approaches to one of the biggest legal institutions in society: property. Property touches on many …
Frihet : Evolutionen av en idé
Hur har idén om frihet utvecklats och förändrats under århundradena? Vad betyder frihet idag och vad behöver vi göra för att behålla de friheter som generationer män och kvinnor …
Mother Time
This collection of original essays opens up a novel area of inquiry: the distinctively ethical dimension of women's experiences of aging. Fifteen distinguished contributors here …
The Mark of the Social
Behavior, language, development, identity, and science—all of these phenomena are commonly characterized as 'social' in nature. But what does it mean to be 'social'? Is there any …
Just Advocacy?
In the continuing estrangement between the West and the Muslim Middle East, human rights are becoming increasingly enmeshed with territorial concerns. Marked by both substance and …
Sound Mapping the New Testament
In the Hellenistic world, writings were read aloud, heard and remembered. But modern exegesis assumes a silent text. According to Margaret Lee & Brandon Scott, the disjuncture …
Burns' Pediatric Primary Care
Get a comprehensive foundation in children's primary care! Burns' Pediatric Primary Care, 7th Edition covers the full spectrum of health conditions seen in primary care pediatrics, …
Diabetes in Pregnancy
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common and important medical complications affecting pregnancy. It can predate the pregnancy ('pre-existing diabetes') or arise during …