Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Karen Pryor
yhteensä 23 hakutulosta
Koira ja delfiini
Karen Pryor: Koira ja delfiini Karen Pryor kuvaa naksutinkoulutuksesta kertovassa kirjassaan hauskasti ja selkeästi, kuinka delfiinikoulutuksen menetelmiä voidaan soveltaa …
Don't Shoot the Dog!
The new art of teaching and training
Naksutinkoulutusta kissoille
Uusi ja mullistava naksutinkoulutus on hellä, tehokas, nopea, yksinkertainen ja hauska koulutusmenetelmä. Naksutinkoulutuksen maailmankuulun uranuurtajan, Karen Pryorin, kirjat …
Clicker Training for Dogs
Reaching the Animal Mind: Clicker Training and What It Teaches Us about All Animals
From the founder of "clicker" training, the widely praised humane approach to shaping animal behavior, comes a fascinating book--part memoir, part insight into how animals and …
Don't Shoot the Dog: The Art of Teaching and Training
Karen Pryor's clear and entertaining explanation of behavioral training methods made Don't Shoot the Dog a bestselling classic with revolutionary insights into animal--and …
Clicker Training for Dogs
This is the book that will revolutionise dog training. 'Clicker Training Your Dog' offers a new way to communicate with your dog, training without using punishment, pain or fear. …
On My Mind Reflections on Animal Behavior and Learning
Klikkertrening for utstillingshunden
Hvordan får du hunden din til å ta seg flott ut i utstillingsringen hver eneste gang? Å få den til å stille seg opp, trave i slakt bånd, spisse ørene, og se vennlig på dommeren alt …
Ne rychite na sobaku! Kniga o dressirovke ljudej, zhivotnykh i samogo sebja
Mirovoj bestseller po psikhologii vlijanija. Karen Prajor - uchenyj s mirovym imenem v dvukh oblastjakh - biologija morskikh mlekopitajuschikh i povedencheskaja fiziologija, …
Disabled Students in Welsh Higher Education
The book provides an understanding of why disabled studentsexperience inequality and exclusion within higher education and identifiesthose areas where change is needed to secure an …
Purpose, Process and Future Direction of Disability Research
Purpose, Process and Future Direction of Disability Research brings together the collective experience of an international network of early career researchers who set out to …