Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Jussi Parikka
yhteensä 28 hakutulosta
Intohimon hinta - Mika Kohosen tarina
Huipulla masentuminen on yhä vaiettu aihe.Mika Kohonen nousi maailman parhaaksi salibandynpelaajaksi, mutta maksoi siitä kovan hinnan ennen kuin löysi tasapainon.Mika Kohonen on …
Operational Images
An in-depth look into the transformation of visual culture and digital aesthetics First introduced by the German filmmaker Harun Farocki, the term operational images defines the …
Suomalaisen mediataiteen ensimmäinen vuosisata
Suomalaisen mediataiteen ensimmäinen vuosisata -antologia on ensimmäinen kattava esitys Suomen mediataiteen monialaisesta kentästä. Teos kartoittaa mediataiteen historiaa alkaen …
A Geology of Media
Media history is millions, even billions, of years old. That is the premise of this pioneering and provocative book, which argues that to adequately understand contemporary media …
The Lab Book
An important new approach to the study of laboratories, presenting a practical method for understanding labs in all walks of life From the “Big Science” of Bell Laboratories to the …
Media Archaeology
This book introduces an archaeological approach to the study of media - one that sifts through the evidence to learn how media were written about, used, designed, preserved, and …
The Anthrobscene
Smartphones, laptops, tablets, and e-readers all at one time held the promise of a more environmentally healthy world not dependent on paper and deforestation. The result of our …
Insect Media
Since the early nineteenth century, when entomologists first popularized the unique biological and behavioral characteristics of insects, technological innovators and theorists …
Välimuistiin kirjoitetut
Bodice Ripper Apart
This is a book poems composed of bits and pieces taken entirely from the web. Predominantly, it is made out of junk mail.As media theorist Jussi Parikka writes in the afterword, …
Medya Arkeolojisi Nedir?
"What is Media Archaeology?" av Jussi Parikka är en insiktsfull bok som utforskar det tvärvetenskapliga fältet mediearkeologi. Med Parikkas engagerande skrivstil och tankeväckande …