Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Fyodor Dostoevsky
yhteensä 417 hakutulosta

The Idiot
Translated by Constance Garnett, with an Introduction and Notes by Agnes Cardinal, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature at the University of Kent. Prince Myshkin …

Crime and Punishment
Dostoesky's drama of sin, guilt and redemption transmutes the sordid story of an old woman's murder by a desperate student into the nineteenth century's profoundest and most …

Notes From Underground & Other Stories
With an Introduction and Notes by David Rampton, Department of English, University of Ottowa. Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky’s …

The Brothers Karamazov
A magnificent new translation of Dostoevsky's masterpiece, which when first published in 1991 was described by the TIMES as 'a miracle' and by THE INDEPENDENT as a near 'ideal …

Crime and Punishment
Translated by Constance Garnett with an Introduction and Notes by Dr Keith Carabine, University of Kent at Canterbury. Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest and most readable …

Notes From Underground
"I am a sick man . . . I am a spiteful man," the irascible voice of a nameless narrator cries out. And so, from underground, emerge the passionate confessions of a suffering man; …

Crime and Punishment
A prize-winning new translation which brings a combined knowledge of Russian and English to Dostoevsky's compelling text. Raskolnikov is an impoverished student who commits murder. …

Crime and Punishment
So essential is Crime and Punishment (1866) to global literature and to our understanding of Russia that it was one of the three books Edward Snowden, while confined to the Moscow …

The Karamazov Brothers
Translated by Constance Garnett, with an Introduction by A. D. P. Briggs. As Fyodor Karamazov awaits an amorous encounter, he is violently done to death. The three sons of the old …

Crime and Punishment
'One death, in exchange for thousands of lives - it's simple arithmetic!' A new translation of Dostoevsky's epic masterpiece, Crime and Punishment (1866). The impoverished student …

Notes From The Underground
Dostoevsky was writing at a time when Russia had reason to be optimistic, but the warning signs in his fiction perhaps leave us clues as to why Russia still has social problems …