Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Franco Figari
yhteensä 4 hakutulosta

Finland land of lights
The book is a tribute to the natural Beauties and hidden sights of Finland, a pure magic trip across one of the last European Countries where Nature still has the upper hand. This …

Finland, the four seasons
After FINLAND LAND OF LIGHTS, ELIAS LONNROT HOMELAND, ICE PAINTINGS SCULPTURES OF SILENCE this is my fourth photographic book published on Finland and is my final work of many …

Elias Lönnrot's homeland
ELIAS LÖNNROT'S HOMELAND is a book of photographs, mainly landscapes.Most of the pictures have been taken in the countryside between Sammatti and Lohja where Elias Lonnrot passed …

Ice Paintings, Sculptures of Silence
This book is dedicated to the forests of the Kuusamo and Posio region during the cold Arctic winter. Pictures have been taken along the secondary roads that cut like blades the …