  • Topology

    storpocket, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9783868592122

    How can an abstract term like “Topology” become pertinent and effective to landscape thinking today? There is a schism between the way landscape is understood scientifically,

  • Nature Modern

    storpocket, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9783868592139

    Nature is not simply “green” or the “opposite of culture.” Essentially, it is an intellectual construct. The relationship between man and Nature, for instance, articulates itself

  • Landscript 7

    storpocket, 2024, Tyska, ISBN 9783986120160

    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Landscript 7" verfügbar.

  • Landscape Analogue

    storpocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783868595413

    The difficulty of reconciling our basic needs with the long history of cultural landscapes, in all their inherent beauty and sufficiency, has become clear. With our deep trust in

  • Filmic Mapping


    storpocket, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9783868592115

    Landscript 2: Filmic Mapping examines forms of “land measurement” primarily through documentary and essay films of the past 10 years. It investigates the meaning of landscape for

  • Landscape Vision Motion

    storpocket, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9783868592108

    Landscript 1: Landscape Vision Motion explores the change of visual thinking that has occurred through film and video setting new spatial dynamics in motion. Professionals from