  • Farm Animals (A Coloring Book)


    pocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9781682602683

    Color these farm animals to show appreciation for all their hard work. These animals give you the food you need to keep your body healthy. Coloring is an attractive activity for

  • Space Kids


    pocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9781682604021

    Hop on a spaceship and let's explore outer space! There is so much to learn from this small book of mazes. First, your child will learn about patience, determination,

  • Robots of the Future (A Coloring Book)


    pocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9781682129074

    The robots are coming and there's no stopping that! Prepare your child for an invasion of robotic toys through this wonderful coloring book. Coloring is a great tool that will help

  • Places to Visit


    pocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9781682601990

    If youOre city child, you would like the unique experience this farm-inspired coloring book has. Composed of the different things that you will see in a farm, this book will

  • Gadgets Galore


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9781683052227

    It's a high-tech world and even the games have turned into gadgets and gizmos. For sure, your child will recognize these images the moment he/she opens this book! The reason why we

  • Outer Space Adventures


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9781683053033

    Walk in outer space and see all the things astronauts see! This coloring book will take you to cosmic adventure while at the same time, improving your pencil hold in preparation

  • Farm Vehicles Coloring Book


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9781683056614

    What are the vehicles that effectively help our farmer friends? Open this book to find out! You'll be surprised to know that there are so many different types of vehicles that

  • Who Says Moo!!!


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9781683053729

    Who says moo? The cows do! This book is all about these lovely farm animals, and what importance they signify. Coloring is the perfect introduction to formal education because it

  • Cow Mania! A Black and White Coloring Book


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9781683262497

    The cow says ?moo? and it encourages you to color, too! Feel free to create your own breed of cows by filling them with colors other than black and white. After all, coloring is

  • Horsing Around The Farm


    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9781683052418

    Stop horsing around, and sit down to learn some new information. This coloring book is highly effective in boosting your child's knowledge on colors, lines, shapes and