  • Powerboating Companion


    spiral, 2019, Engelska, ISBN 9781912177202

    A compact, handy summary of the key things you need to know when powerboating in RIBs and sportsboats: the perfect quick reference guide to keep onboard. The book covers all the

  • Nautical Calculation Companion


    spiral, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781912621644

    While traditional navigation has been largely superseded by GPS, traditional navigation remains a valuable skill, an enjoyable pastime and necessary for some navigation and

  • Cockpit Companion


    spiral, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9781909911208

    A handy, splash-proof, on-the-water aide memoire of everything the skipper and crew need to know – or find out quickly – when cruising: from lights, shapes and sound signals to

  • Navigation Companion


    spiral, 2019, Engelska, ISBN 9781912177196

    A handy, splash-proof, on-the-water summary of the key things you need to know about navigation at sea: the perfect quick reference guide to keep onboard. The book covers all the

  • Passage Planning Companion


    spiral, 2019, Engelska, ISBN 9781912177967

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    spiral, 2009, Finska, ISBN 9789529633739

    Monikulttuurisuus on työyhteisön rikkaus, mutta myös haaste. Oppaan tarkoituksena on parantaa ymmärrystä ja yhteistyötä kulttuurien välillä. Tavoitteena on auttaa tunnistamaan

  • Puhtaus on puoli ruokaa

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    spiral, 2009, Finska, ISBN 9789529633746

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  • The Joint Book


    spiral, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9780785822271

    Featuring illustrated instructions for over 70 joints, this spiral-bound book is the perfect companion for any woodworker interested in improving their joint-making skills.The

  • Elektrik und Mechatronik


    spiral, 2016, Tyska, ISBN 9783658127480

    Die komplexe Nutzfahrzeugtechnik anschaulich darzustellen ist Ziel dieses Werkes, das aus 9 einzelnen, in sich abgeschlossenen Beitr gen besteht. Kompakt und gut verst ndlich

  • Fahrerassistenzsysteme

    spiral, 2012, Tyska, ISBN 9783658000820

    Die komplexe Technik heutiger Kraftfahrzeuge mit ihrem steigenden Anteil an Fahrzeugelektronik macht einen immer größer werdenden Fundus an Informationen notwendig, um die