Södra Wales

  • Løgn og svik


    E-bok, 2023, Norska (bokmål), ISBN 9788202817541

    Vilja ønsker å ta opp igjen kontakten med Johan, men blir skuffet over at han virker uinteressert. Når det skjer enda en ulykke i gruva fordi sikkerheten ikke er ivaretatt, får

  • South Wales Miners: Glowyr de Cymru


    E-bok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781000927184
    Från 839 kr

    First published in 1975, South Wales Miners starts with the War of Empires, when nearly 50,000 Welsh miners, almost one-fifth of the total manpower of their coalfield, responded to

  • Gwent Industrial Heritage


    E-bok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781398108738

    During the Industrial Revolution, the western valley of Gwent underwent a dramatic change to become one of the most important iron producing areas in Britain, with rich deposits of

  • Vårvinder


    E-bok, 2023, Norska (bokmål), ISBN 9788202804626

    Teodor overhører en samtale mellom faren og moren, og forstår at ikke alt er som han har trodd. Han blir overrasket når det går opp for ham hva moren har stelt i stand. - Du er

  • Policing Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

    E-bok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781837720866

    Through the lens of South Wales Police, this volume reflects upon the changing role of the police in society. Conceptually, by connecting the pasts, presents and futures of

  • Paranormal Cardiff


    E-bok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781398114760

    Wales is one of the most haunted countries in the world, and its capital city is no exception. Steeped in history, it has shaped and witnessed many of the country's defining

  • Wurtenberg Affair


    E-bok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781916668997

    A fast-moving tale of espionage, crime and murder on the home front during the First World War.Wesley is the middle of six brothers born to a poor mining family in a South Wales

  • Hvite løgner


    E-bok, 2023, Norska (bokmål), ISBN 9788202821227

    Catherine er langt nede etter at Alex har reist til Afrika, og sier det er hennes skyld at han dro. Aila gjør sitt beste for å trøste henne, og er redd for venninnen. – Bevare meg

  • Look


    E-bok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781915853851

    Jim is a self-employed web developer living in Cardiff. Successful professionally, the future also looks rosy for his personal life, having recently proposed to his girlfriend,

  • Backbone of the Nation


    E-bok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9780300274561

    A powerful new history of the Great Strike in the miners' own voices, based on more than 140 interviews with former miners and their families Forty years ago, Arthur Scargill led