Sociologi: arbete & arbetskraft

  • Arise


    klotband, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9780745344034

    'Jane Holgate is a brilliant thinker' - Jane McAlevey In Arise, Jane Holgate argues that unions must revisit their understanding of power in order to regain influence and confront

  • Power Despite Precarity

    av ,

    klotband, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9780745345536

    Higher education is the site of an ongoing conflict. At the heart of this struggle are the precariously employed faculty ‘contingents’ who work without basic job security, living

  • Organizing Insurgency


    klotband, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9780745343600

    'A breath of fresh air' - Norman Finklestein Workers in the Global South are doomed through economic imperialism to carry the burden of the entire world. While these workers appear

  • Workers Can Win


    klotband, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9780745347820

    The Covid, climate and cost of living crises all hang heavy in the air. It's more obvious than ever that we need radical social and political change. But in the vacuum left by

  • Augmented Exploitation

    klotband, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9780745343501

    Artificial Intelligence is a seemingly neutral technology, but it is increasingly used to manage workforces and make decisions to hire and fire employees. Its proliferation in the

  • Working the Phones


    klotband, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9780745399089

    *Shortlisted for the BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Award for Ethnography 2017* *Winner of the 2016 Labor History Best Book prize* Over a million people in the UK work in call

  • Wobblies of the World

    klotband, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780745399607

    The Industrial Workers of the World is a union unlike any other. Founded in 1905 in Chicago, it rapidly gained members across the world thanks to its revolutionary,

  • The Cost of Free Shipping

    klotband, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9780745341477

    **Winner of the UALE Book Award 2021** Amazon is the most powerful corporation on the planet and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, has become the richest person in history, and one of the few

  • Just Work?

    klotband, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9780745335841

    This book offers a vast range of grassroots perspectives on global migrant labour organisation in the twenty-first century. From workers' organisations in South African migrant

  • Dying for an iPhone

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    klotband, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9780745341286

    Suicides, excessive overtime, hostility and violence on the factory floor in China. Drawing on vivid testimonies from rural migrant workers, student interns, managers and trade