Skräck- & spökhistorier

  • A Dream Within a Dream


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587043

    An example of Poe’s melancholic and morbid poetic pieces, "A Dream Within a Dream" is a poem that pitifully mourns the passing of time. The poet’s own life, teeming with

  • Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque I


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726586886

    From the mysterious marriage in “Morella”, to the satirical and secretive vistas of “The Man That Was Used Up”, or the depressed Roderick Usher, the reader is facing the first

  • The Premature Burial


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587050

    The story unanimously voices Poe’s obsessive concern with premature burial. Dwelling on humanity’s fear of being buried alive, Edgar Allan Poe provides not only examples of such

  • Eleonora


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587074

    "Eleonora" is a short story that draws heavily from E. A. Poe’s own life and marriage. Surprisingly optimistic and devoid of any real terrors, the tale, though dealing with similar

  • The Man of the Crowd


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587098

    “The Man of the Crowd” is a story that deals with the influence of the big city upon the ordinary person. Obsessed with categorization, the protagonist feels baffled by his

  • Some Words with a Mummy


    E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726644166

    A biting satirical piece, this short story takes aim at modern societies superiority complex. Through poking, prodding and mindless electrocution , a group of bumbling friends

  • A Tale of the Ragged Mountains


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726586978

    An example of Poe’s mystery-laden and dream-oriented short stories, "A Tale of the Rugged Mountains" offers unique perspective on important notions at the time – mesmerism,

  • The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall


    E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726644104

    When Hans Pfaal’s creditors begin to circle, there is only one thing he can do. Construct a magnificent, science defying balloon and escape to the moon! Hans records the details

  • MS. Found in a Bottle


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726587012

    A representative of Poe’s tales of the sea, “Ms. Found in a Bottle” follows the writer’s infatuation with the horrific and unknown forces around us. An avid reader just like his

  • A Predicament


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726644098

    The story is often labelled a sequel to "How to Write a Blackwood Article", and deals with Signora Zenobia, who comes across a stately cathedral and a giant clock, that soon will