  • Under Construction

    storpocket, 2024, Tyska, ISBN 9783110991093

    This publication is dedicated to the changes in masculinity/ies that visual artists have been addressing since the 1970s and are currently working on more than ever. Contributions

  • Beyond Diversity

    storpocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9783110765823

    Japan presents a unique context for conducting queer studies. Unlike Europe, North America, and other regions of the world, it is said to lack homophobia due to the absence of

  • Pojken


    storpocket, 2023, Svenska, ISBN 9789189825413

    Vad händer med en människa som gång på gång tvingas ljuga för sig själv och sin omgivning? Hur mycket lidande orsakar det ens själ när man inte får lov att vara sig själv fullt

  • Medieval Futurity

    storpocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781501527333

    This collection of essays asks contributors to take the capaciousness of the word "queer" to heart in order to think about what medieval queers would have looked like and how they