  • Middle Tech


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691257167

    Why software isn’t perfect, as seen through the stories of software developers at a run-of-the-mill tech companyContrary to much of the popular discourse, not all technology is

  • The New Social Question


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691265773

    How social and intellectual changes undermine our justifications for the welfare state The welfare state has come under severe pressure internationally, partly for the well-known

  • When the Bombs Stopped


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691255958

    How undetonated bombs from a war that ended more than fifty years ago still affect Cambodian farmers and their land Over the course of the Vietnam War, the United States dropped

  • Chinese Espresso


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691245799

    Why and how local coffee bars in Italy—those distinctively Italian social and cultural spaces—have been increasingly managed by Chinese baristas since the Great Recession of

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    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691259116

    A fascinating account of the growing "Yes in My Backyard" urban movement The exorbitant costs of urban housing and the widening gap in income inequality are fueling a combative new

  • Christianity's American Fate


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691233925

    Tracing the rise of evangelicalism and the decline of mainline Protestantism in American religious and cultural lifeHow did American Christianity become synonymous with

  • Fixing Social Security


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691224459

    How Social Security has shaped American politics—and why it faces insolvencySince its establishment, Social Security has become the financial linchpin of American retirement. Yet

  • Spiderweb Capitalism


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691231259

    A behind-the-scenes look at how the rich and powerful use offshore shell corporations to conceal their wealth and make themselves richerIn 2015, the anonymous leak of the Panama

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    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691239194

    The case for race-conscious education policyIn our unequal society, families of color fully share the dream of college but their children often attend schools that do not prepare

  • Devotion to the Administrative State


    pocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9780691232812

    Why the pursuit of state recognition by seemingly marginal religious groups in Egypt and elsewhere is a devotional practiceOver the past decade alone, religious communities around