  • ¡Chicana Power!


    pocket, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9780292726901

    The first book-length study of women's involvement in the Chicano Movement of the late 1960s and 1970s, ¡Chicana Power! tells the powerful story of the emergence of Chicana

  • ¡Presente!


    pocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781478009443

    In ¡Presente! Diana Taylor asks what it means to be physically and politically present in situations where it seems that nothing can be done. As much an act, a word, an attitude, a

  • ¡Presente!


    pocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781626167261

    ¡Presente! develops a lived theology of nonviolence through an extended case study of the movement to close the School of the Americas (also known as the SOA or WHINSEC).

  • ¡Un doctor por favor!


    pocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781735172804

    *****B&W PAPERBACK VERSION*****Authored by a Hispanic doctor and scientist, Un Doctor, Por Favor was inspired by a Hispanic student who was told by her school counselor that she

  • ????


    pocket, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9781513678597

    Iris Tagar - 語言治療師 "這是一個非常美好的作品。特殊兒童的兄弟姊妹可以跟爸爸或媽媽重複一起看這本書中的字句,這對他們有治療的作用!" Ravit Moran Tal 博士-心理專家 "一本絕對是美麗的書!你以同理心和動人的方式捕捉小孩子的情感。我非常喜歡這本書。" Bosmat Baruch - 職業治療師 "很感人,我非常喜歡。"

  • ????:?? A Glimpse Of China

    pocket, 2014, Engelska, ISBN 9787508527963

  • ???? ??


    pocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781716372971

    关于老子这个人的介绍,还真有点难度。有关书籍的记载,都不像是真实的史实,更像是有目的的告诉你他对自己的未来的预言。 提到老子其人的书,主要是司马迁的《史记》,庄周的《庄子》,和作为儒家典籍之一的《礼记》。 《礼记》中有记载了孔子"从老聃助葬于巷党"的事。《周易》睽卦 "遇主于巷,未失道也。"

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    pocket, 2018, Engelska, ISBN 9786138257226

    سقوط ملاك (باللغة اللبنانية المحكية ) قصة امراة كانت تطمح بنهضة روحية استوحتها من تأثير المرسليين الغربيين. هذا التاأثير لم يثنها عن التطلع الى جذورهاز فاختارت ان تنتقل الى لبنان

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    pocket, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9781989960400
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    pocket, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9783659172601