
  • Led Zeppelin and Philosophy

    pocket, 2009, Engelska, ISBN 9780812696721

    Led Zeppelin, who bestrode the world of rock like a colossus, have continually grown in popularity and influence since their official winding up in 1980. They exasperated critics

  • Doctor Who and Philosophy

    pocket, 2010, Engelska, ISBN 9780812696882

    In Doctor Who and Philosophy, a team of mostly human philosophers (who are also fans) looks at the deeper issues raised by the Doctor's mind-blowing adventures. They discuss, among

  • American Horror Story and Philosophy

    pocket, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780812699722

    In American Horror Story and Philosophy, philosophers with varying backgrounds and interests explore different aspects of this popular “erotic thriller” TV show, with its

  • Boardwalk Empire and Philosophy

    pocket, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9780812698329

    From Machiavellian city officials to big-time mobsters, corrupt beat cops, and overzealous G-men, Boardwalk Empire is replete with philosophically compelling characters who find

  • Avengers Infinity Saga and Philosophy

    pocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9780812694857

    In Avengers Infinity Saga and Philosophy, philosophers explore the momentous issues and the fascinating puzzles raised by Marvel’s compelling series of movies: ? Is the Thanos

  • Orphan Black and Philosophy

    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9780812699203

    In Orphan Black, several apparently unconnected women discover that they are exact physical doubles -- they're illegally produced clones, and someone is having them killed. Law

  • Anime and Philosophy

    pocket, 2010, Engelska, ISBN 9780812696707

    Anime and Philosophy focuses on some of the most-loved, most-intriguing anime films and series, as well as lesser-known works, to find what lies at their core. Astro Boy, Dragon

  • Batman, Superman, and Philosophy

    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9780812699180

    Batman or Superman? Which of these heroic figures is morally superior? Which is more dramatically effective? Which is more democratic? Which shows us the better way to fight crime?

  • Planet of the Apes and Philosophy

    pocket, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9780812698220

    What makes humans different from other animals, what humans are entitled to do to other species, whether time travel is possible, what limits should be placed on science and

  • Philip K. Dick and Philosophy

    pocket, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9780812697346

    Science fiction writer Philip K. Dick (1928--1982) is the giant imagination behind so much recent popular culture--both movies directly based on his writings, such as Blade Runner