Östasiatiska religioner

  • Tao Te Ching


    inbunden, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781838573690
    Från 128 kr
  • Tao Te Ching


    inbunden, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9780857083111

    A luxury, keep-sake edition of an ancient Chinese scripture This ancient text, fundamental to Taoism, has become a source of inspiration and guidance for millions in modern

  • Be Water, My Friend


    inbunden, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781846046667

    Bruce Lee's daughter illuminates her father's most powerful life philosophies, and how we can apply his teachings to our daily lives'Empty your mind; be formless, shapeless like

  • Taoism for Beginners

    av ,

    inbunden, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9780804852685

    Taoism for Beginners is a practical guide to applying the key notions, concepts and beliefs underlying Taoism's various branches and schools.Authors C. Alexander and Annellen

  • The Ultimate Guide to Yin Yang


    inbunden, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9781786785152

    The concept of yin yang can be found in some of the oldest writing in the world. It is fundamental to Chinese thought and the route to understanding most Chinese practices, from

  • Tao TE Ching Personal


    inbunden, 1988, Engelska, ISBN 9780060812454

    In a widely praised translation, Stephen Mitchell provides an accessible understanding of a classic guide for living, now in an attractive, pocket-size trim designed to fit in a

  • Tao Te Ching

    inbunden, 1999, Engelska, ISBN 9780711212787

    'Do you want to improve the world? I don't think it can be done. The world is sacred. It can't be improved. If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it. If you treat it like an object,

  • Tao Te Ching


    inbunden, 2007, Engelska, ISBN 9781590305461

    In what may be the most faithful translation of the Tao Te Ching, the translators have captured the terse, enigmatic beauty of the original masterpiece without embellishing it with

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


    inbunden, 2002, Engelska, ISBN 9780609609590

    The Yoga Sutras were formulated in India in the third century B.C. The word yoga is from the Sanskrit root meaning "join" or "unity, " and a sutra is a thread or aphoristic verse.

  • Bushido Illustrated


    inbunden, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9781838860899

    “Chivalry is a flower no less indigenous to the soil of Japan than cherry blossom” are the opening words to Inazo Nitobe’s Bushido: The Soul of Japan. It was 1900 and Inazo, a