
  • Colors & Numbers


    E-bok, 2010, Engelska, ISBN 9781401928650

    "e;Colors and numbers have a lot of significance for us. We each have our own personal number vibrations and personal color vibrations. Some of these numbers, such as our date

  • Complete Book of Numerology


    E-bok, 2005, Engelska, ISBN 9781401930257

    To the conventional scientist, numbers are merely symbols of comparative quantities, but in the broader, metaphysical sense, they assume a deeper, more profound significance. The

  • Numerology Made Easy


    E-bok, 2018, Engelska, ISBN 9781788172745

    An accessible, authoritative guide to numerology and how it can help you understand yourself and work with the energies each year ahead holds for you.Our date of birth and our name