
  • The Penman


    9-12 år E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726416626

    There once was a man who held an office that required good penmanship. While he filled the office ably otherwise, he was incapable of good penmanship, so he advertised in the

  • Lite offside


    9-12 år E-bok, 2021, Svenska, ISBN 9788726696660

    "Lite offside" är en roman med fristående, kapitellånga berättelser. I "Jag kom inte på något" sitter Mattias med ett blankt papper framför sig och försöker komma på ett ämne att

  • Nine Unlikely Tales


    9-12 år E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9788726880434

    Are you a Harry Potter fan? Do you enjoy losing yourself in exciting fantasy worlds? If mystical creatures, princes, fairies, and other weird and wonderful beings are your thing,

  • Policeman Bluejay


    9-12 år E-bok, 2021, Engelska, ISBN 9788726958942

    Originally released under the pseudonym Laura Bancroft, ‘Policeman Bluejay’ is a children’s story by the famous ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Friends Twinkle and Chubbins are lost in

  • Storfågeln och andra Norrlandsberättelser


    9-12 år E-bok, 2019, Svenska, ISBN 9788726182415

    Storfåglarna och andra Norrlandsberättelser består av tolv fristående berättelser som utspelar sig runt om i Sverige men främst i nordlig bruksmiljö.I 'Storfåglarna' ligger

  • The Remarkable Rocket


    9-12 år E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9788726598766

    ‘The Remarkable Rocket’ is a morality tale, cloaked in fairy-tale magic. It focuses on a firework, who is too full of himself for his own good. His bravado and boasts are put to

  • The Nightingale


    9-12 år E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9788726417944

    A long time ago, the Emperor of China lived in a magnificent palace made of fine china and surrounded by a splendid garden that was so big that even the gardener did not know it