Naturvetenskapens filosofi

  • Making Medicine


    inbunden, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781633887534

    How do scientists design the medicine we use to improve our lives? It turns out that many are happy accidents or overlooked mixtures of carbon and hydrogen that go on to not only

  • Meat Me Halfway

    av ,

    inbunden, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781633887916

    We know that eating animals is bad for the planet and bad for our health, and yet we do it anyway. We’ve all heard the statistics: animal agriculture is responsible for at least 18

  • The Phantom God


    inbunden, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781633888067

    Does neuroscience have anything to say about religious belief or the existence of God? Some have tried to answer this question, but, in doing so, most have strayed from the

  • Evolution Talk


    pocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781633888340

    Evolution helps us understand our own humble place in the rich tapestry of life. But what do we know about the theory of evolution itself? Based on the popular podcast of the same