Naturvetenskap & teknik

  • सभी के लिए गणित


    pocket, 2022, Hindi, ISBN 9781636071572

    आइये, सिया साही, तपन तोते, लकी लामा और कोमल कछुए के साथ एक मस्ती से भरी यात्रा पर चलें, जहाँ उनकी शिक्षिका मिस पेंगुईन उन्हें गणित की सुंदरता से रूबरू कराती हैं।आइये, देखें कि कैसे

  • Goti aur Vivek ka Sankrant


    pocket, 2018, Hindi, ISBN 9781946312082
  • 71+10 New Science Activities

    pocket, 2013, Hindi, ISBN 9789350570487

    "Science, as we all know refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Science is a unique combination of Theory and

  • Phir Aya Somvar


    pocket, 2021, Hindi, ISBN 9789354264337

    We are all familiar with children who are obsessed with the garbage pick-up truck On a snow day off, a little girl and her brother wait eagerly for the garbage truck to arrive and

  • Vedic Ganit

    pocket, 2014, Hindi, ISBN 9789350571057

    "Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it," said C.S. Lewis, one of the greatest English writers of the medieval period. This book is a part of a set of ten books