  • Arvo Pärt

    klotband, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9780823289752

    Scholarly writing on the music of Arvo Pärt is situated primarily in the fields of musicology, cultural and media studies, and, more recently, in terms of theology/spirituality.

  • Atopias

    av ,

    klotband, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780823277551

    This book offers a manifesto for a radical existentialism aiming to regenerate the place of the outside that contemporary theory underestimates. Neyrat calls this outside “atopia”:

  • Being Brains

    av ,

    klotband, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780823276073

    Being Brains offers a critical exploration of neurocentrism, the belief that “we are our brains,” which became widespread in the 1990s. Encouraged by advances in neuroimaging, the

  • Bruno Latour in Pieces


    klotband, 2014, Engelska, ISBN 9780823263691

    Bruno Latour stirs things up. Latour began as a lover of science and technology, co-founder of actor-network theory, and philosopher of a modernity that had “never been modern.” In

  • Coming to Life

    klotband, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9780823244607

    Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Mothering is a superlative collection of essays that does what too few scholarly works have dared: it takes seriously the

  • Derrida after the End of Writing


    klotband, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780823277834

    What are we to make of Jacques Derrida’s famous claim that “every other is every other,” if the other could also be an object, a stone or an elementary particle? Derrida’s

  • Earth, Life, and System

    klotband, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9780823265244

    Exploring the broad implications of evolutionary theorist Lynn Margulis’s work, this collection brings together specialists across a range of disciplines, from paleontology,

  • Earthly Things

    klotband, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781531503055

    Globalization and climate weirding are two of the leading phenomena that challenge and change the way we need to think and act within the planetary community. Modern Western

  • Eco-Deconstruction

    klotband, 2018, Engelska, ISBN 9780823279500

    Eco-Deconstruction marks a new approach to the degradation of the natural environment, including habitat loss, species extinction, and climate change. While the work of French

  • Exterranean


    klotband, 2019, Engelska, ISBN 9780823284221

    Exterranean concerns the extraction of stuff from the Earth, a process in which matter goes from being sub- to exterranean. By opening up a rich archive of nonmodern texts and