Litteraturvetenskap: klassisk, tidig & medeltida litteratur

  • Giovenale, ›Satira‹ 9


    storpocket, 2022, Italienska, ISBN 9783111121703

    Juvenal's Satire 9, though often considered among its author's most successful, has not infrequently been censored or condemned for its 'obscene' subject matter. The present work

  • Hope in Ancient Literature, History, and Art

    storpocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9783110710137

    Although ancient hope has attracted much scholarly attention in the past, this is the first book-length discussion of the topic. The introduction offers a systematic discussion of

  • Peripatos


    storpocket, 2024, Engelska, ISBN 9783110993226

    With the exception of Paul Moraux’s Die Aristotelismus bei den Griechen (in German), the most recent books on the history of ancient Aristotelianism are H. Balthussen 2016 (The

  • Cupid and Psyche

    storpocket, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9783110777482

    Apuleius’ tale of Cupid and Psyche has been popular since it was first written in the second century CE as part of his Latin novel Metamorphoses. Often treated as a standalone

  • Mythical Narratives in Stesichorus


    storpocket, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9783111265698

    The mythical narratives of Stesichorus provide the earliest surviving examples of poetic production in the Greek West. This book illustrates how Stesichorus reshaped Greek epic to

  • Mythische Sphärenwechsel

    storpocket, 2022, Tyska, ISBN 9783111125060

    Journey to the realm of the dead, transfer to the Island of the Blessed, ascension to heaven - with innovative theoretical and methodological approaches, myths about the change of

  • Hypatia


    storpocket, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9783111245539

    This study reconstructs Hypatia’s existential and intellectual life and her modern Nachleben through a reception-oriented and interdisciplinary approach. Unlike previous

  • Beowulf

    storpocket, 2005, Tyska, ISBN 9783110176087

    Das altenglische Heldenepos Beowulf entstand wahrscheinlich im 8. Jahrhundert. Es handelt sich um das älteste und einzig vollständig erhaltene altgermanische Epos. Das Werk erzählt

  • Prudentius, ›Psychomachia‹


    storpocket, 2022, Tyska, ISBN 9783110991512

    Die Psychomachia des Prudentius stellt das erste vollkommen allegorische Epos des Abendlandes dar. Es ist insbesondere in der Kunst und Literatur des Mittelalters vielfältig

  • Platonismus und spätägyptische Religion

    storpocket, 2019, Tyska, ISBN 9783110658477

    Sowohl die Beurteilung des religionsgeschichtlichen Quellenwerts der Plutarch-Schrift "De Iside et Osiride" aus ägyptologischer als auch die Bewertung der Aktualität des