Litteraturvetenskap: klassisk, tidig & medeltida litteratur

  • Plato: Symposium


    pocket, 1980, Greek, Modern (after, ISBN 9780521295239

    Plato's Symposium is the most literary of all his works and one which all students of classics are likely to want to read whether or not they are studying Plato's philosophy. But

  • Cicero: Catilinarians


    pocket, 2008, Engelska, ISBN 9780521540438
    Från 469 kr

    As consul in 63 BC Cicero faced a conspiracy to overthrow the Roman state launched by the frustrated consular candidate Lucius Sergius Catilina. Cicero's handling of this crisis

  • Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War Book II


    pocket, 1989, Greek, Modern (after, ISBN 9780521339292

    The second book of Thucydides’ history is of particular literary interest, containing as it does such important sections as the funeral oration, the account of the plague at Athens

  • Caesar: Bellum Gallicum Book VII

    pocket, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781009177146
    Från 364 kr

    This is the first commentary on Caesar's Bellum Gallicum to approach it as a literary text. It attempts a contextualized reading of the work through the eyes of a contemporary

  • Euripides: Medea

    pocket, 2002, Engelska, ISBN 9780521643863

    This up-to-date edition makes Euripides’ most famous and influential play accessible to students of Greek reading their first tragedy as well as to more advanced students. The

  • Plato: Menexenus

    pocket, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781108730563
    Från 393 kr

    Plato challenges his readers by depicting an elderly Socrates as an enthusiastic student of rhetoric who has learned from his teacher Aspasia to recite an inspiring funeral

  • Plato on Poetry

    pocket, 1996, Engelska, ISBN 9780521349819

    Much has been written in recent years on Plato as a critic of literature, but no commentaries have appeared in English on the Ion, or the opening books of the Republic in which

  • Plato: Protagoras


    pocket, 2008, Engelska, ISBN 9780521549691
    Från 350 kr

    The Protagoras is one of Plato's most entertaining dialogues. It represents Socrates at a gathering of the most celebrated and highest-earning intellectuals of the day, among them

  • Plato: Alcibiades


    pocket, 2001, Engelska, ISBN 9780521634144

    The Alcibiades was widely read in antiquity as the very best introduction to Plato. Alcibiades in his youth associated with Socrates, and went on to a spectacularly disgraceful

  • Plutarch: Life of Antony


    pocket, 1988, Engelska, ISBN 9780521284189

    Plutarch's Life of Antony is a work remarkable for its colourful narrative and vivid characterisation of Antony and Cleopatra. This book presents the Greek text of the Life,