Litteraturvetenskap: klassisk, tidig & medeltida litteratur

  • Homer: Iliad Book I

    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781108351911

    Book I of the Iliad marks the beginning of the first surviving work of Greek literature. This edition with commentary enables readers at all levels to interpret the poetry with

  • Late Hellenistic Greek Literature in Dialogue

    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781009035439

    Late Hellenistic Greek literature, both prose and poetry, stands out for its richness and diversity. Recent work has tended to take an author-by-author approach that underestimates

  • Homer and the Tradition of Political Philosophy


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781009302593

    In this book, Peter Ahrensdorf explores an overlooked but crucial role that Homer played in the thought of Plato, Machiavelli, and Nietzsche concerning, notably, the relationship

  • Reading Homer


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781009301770

    Reading Homer presents two highlights of the Iliad: Book 16, where Patroclus fights and dies, and Book 18, where Achilles grieves for him and is awarded new armour before he

  • Herodotus: Histories Book I

    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781009301954

    In the Histories, which could loosely be translated as 'Investigations' or 'Researches,' Herodotus tells how the Persian Empire began, grew, and then met defeat in Greece in his

  • Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War Book VI

    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781316829820

    In Books 6 and 7 Thucydides' narrative is, as Plutarch puts it, 'at its most emotional, vivid, and varied' as he describes the Sicilian Expedition that ended so catastrophically

  • Thinking of the Medieval

    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781108803366
    Från 1363 kr

    The mid-twentieth century gave rise to a rich array of new approaches to the study of the Middle Ages by both professional medievalists and those more well-known from other

  • Late Hellenistic Greek Literature in Dialogue

    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781009035637

    Late Hellenistic Greek literature, both prose and poetry, stands out for its richness and diversity. Recent work has tended to take an author-by-author approach that underestimates

  • History of English Georgic Writing

    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781009022415

    The interconnected themes of land and labour were a common recourse for English literary writers between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, and in the twenty-first they have

  • Beyond Death in the Oresteia


    E-bok, 2022, Engelska, ISBN 9781108962216
    Från 1363 kr

    The Oresteia is permeated with depictions of the afterlife, which have never been examined together. In this book, Amit Shilo analyzes their intertwined and conflicting