Lantbrukets djur

  • Blue the Brave


    6-9 år pocket, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781788493321

    There’s never a dull moment on Hazel Tree Farm! Peter is hard at work training sheepdog Blue for the trials at the Ballynoe Fair, while Kate – who wants to be a vet like her mam –

  • The Secret Tunnel - Hazel Tree Farm


    6-9 år pocket, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781788493338

    As summer ends on Hazel Tree Farm, the Farrellys have a lot on their minds. Kate is doing her best to inspire the people of Ballynoe with her ‘Operation Plan Bee’, a scheme to

  • Hazel Tree Farm: One Stormy Night PACK


    6-9 år övrigt, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781788494199

    It's the beginning of a new year on Hazel Tree Farm, and with it comes a burst of new life. Peter helps Dad to bring baby lambs into the world, while his sister Kate falls in love