Kristen missionering & evangelisering

  • Communicating Christ in the

    pocket, 2006, Engelska, ISBN 9780878085101
  • Complexities of Money and Missions in Asia (Seanet 9)

    pocket, 2012, Engelska, ISBN 9780878080380

    What happens when an expatriate missionary is thrust into a context where the standard of living is so divergent that perceived or actual wealth suddenly becomes the strongest draw

  • Suffering

    pocket, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9780878080243

    What is dukkha? In Buddhism this word encompasses the concepts of dis-ease, unsteadiness, sorrow, and lack of inner calm. In English it is usually translated simply as "suffering".

  • Sharing Jesus Holistically

    pocket, 2005, Engelska, ISBN 9780878085088

    This book contains the works of a group of Evangelical mission "reflective practitioners," who are committed to developing ways to evangelize the Buddhist peoples of the world. As

  • Sharing Jesus Effectively in the Buddhist World

    pocket, 2005, Engelska, ISBN 9780878085095

    This is the third book in the "Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World" series, written by evangelical mission "reflective practitioners" who are committed to developing more effective

  • Seeking the Unseen

    pocket, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9780878080465

    Buddhism claims no god, yet spiritual realities abound in popular practice. What are these realities? What do they mean to the practitioners? How can understanding these realities

  • Communicating Christ Through

    pocket, 2008, Engelska, ISBN 9780878085118

    Communicating Christ Through Story and Song, the fifth volume in the Buddhist World series, presents models and case studies of communication of the Gospel through orality in

  • Developing Indigenous Leaders

    pocket, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9780878080403

    Every movement is only one generation from dying out. Leadership development remains the critical issue for mission endeavors around the world. How are leaders developed from the

  • Family & Faith in Asia

    pocket, 2010, Engelska, ISBN 9780878080229

    If Christian mission in Asia and most of the non-Western world is ever to advance, it must seriously consider the importance of family networks. Far too long the strategy of a "one

  • Becoming the People of God

    pocket, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9780878080427

    How do Christ followers celebrate unity in the midst of diversity? How do we become the people of God in more than name only? A unifying Christ-centeredness demands living out