
  • Tactical Biopolitics


    pocket, 2010, Engelska, ISBN 9780262514910

    Scientists, scholars, and artists consider the political significance of recent advances in the biological sciences.Popular culture in this "biological century" seems to feed on

  • The Visual Mind II

    pocket, 2006, Engelska, ISBN 9780262550635

    Essays on mathematics and art as visual expression.Mathematical forms rendered visually can give aesthetic pleasure; certain works of art-Max Bill's Moebius band sculpture, for

  • The Hidden Sense


    pocket, 2010, Engelska, ISBN 9780262514071

    The uncommon sensory perceptions of synesthesia explored through accounts of synesthetes' experiences, the latest scientific research, and suggestions of synesthesia in visual art,

  • Information Arts


    pocket, 2003, Engelska, ISBN 9780262731584

    An introduction to the work and ideas of artists who use-and even influence-science and technology.A new breed of contemporary artist engages science and technology-not just to

  • Windows and Mirrors

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    pocket, 2005, Engelska, ISBN 9780262524490

    The experience of digital art and how it is relevant to information technology.In Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency, Jay David