Historisk, politisk & militär



    halvklotband, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781630062019

    “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”  – Matthew 5:9“I don’t think any president has been more wrongly persecuted than Nixon, ever. I just

  • Dear California

    halvklotband, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781503614697

    California has always been, literally, a place to write home about. Renowned figures and iconoclasts, politicians, actors, and artists, the world-famous and the not-so-much, all

  • In the Nation’s Service


    halvklotband, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9781503631120

    The definitive biography of a distinguished public servant, who as US Secretary of Labor, Secretary of the Treasury, and Secretary of State, was pivotal in steering the great