Hästar & ponnyer

  • Killing Phar Lap


    E-bok, 2014, Engelska, ISBN 9781496902535

    Innumerable books, articles and a full length motion picture have been written and produced about the almost unbelievable career of the magnificent race horse Phar Lap and his

  • Brook Hill Horses


    E-bok, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9781524648329

    A heart warming retelling of a true story about an injured race horse and the love and hard work of a little girl that produced a triumphant team. This is one of countless success

  • Unscripted


    E-bok, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9781467062343

    Following UNbridled and UNtamed, the final in this trilogy explodes to a dramatic conclusion in the authors native Australia. The stories collide to a tumultuous ending, showing

  • Stand Up!


    E-bok, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9781524684143

    Many successful trainers have shared their life lessons and epiphanies as a result of years with horses. In Stand Up! Pamela Jeffers applies her years of studying and applying the

  • Enjoy the Journey


    E-bok, 2011, Engelska, ISBN 9781456769567

    In Enjoy the Journey- Join in a celebration of warming moments in the memoirs of these women, with their horses, living along the Snake River Plain; Learn what they did to refresh

  • Gunner


    E-bok, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9781728364889

    Fairytales. We all love fairytales because there is a piece of us, a sliver of innocence left from our youth that suddenly surfaces when revealed by the printed page or silver

  • And Then Came Hera


    E-bok, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9781481730105

    How the humanitarian act of saving one foal, a by-product of a Premarin producing Pregnant Mare Urine Line (PMU), from slaughter evolves into a life changing odyssey. The

  • Horses of Lost Valley


    E-bok, 2016, Engelska, ISBN 9781524639273

    Tillery Hubbs, a twelve-year-old wimp in 1960s San Diego, discovers a neglected horse in Lost Valley. Struggling against the horses wealthy ownerand his own familyTill succeeds in

  • Junior and Elena


    E-bok, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9781524695408

    Junior and Elena is a (horse) love story. It is a true-life story about how an unselfish, compassionate broodmare named Emprize Hanover adopts an orphan colt as her own. The colts

  • Memoirs of My Life


    E-bok, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9781546201403

    Legend is a difficult Morgan who has a way of looking at things different from most horses and is not always eager to please but eager to do well in what he does. He decides to