  • Fig Swims the World


    Uppläsare: Georgina Jane
    9-12 år Ljudbok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9788727035260

    Fig Fitzsherbert is good at a lot of things: making lists, playing the piano, advanced mathematics. But it's never quite enough for her high-flying mother, who every New Year's Day

  • Wolf Light


    Uppläsare: Janice Acquah
    9-12 år Ljudbok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9788728287088

    A leopard dances under the moon. A wolf prowls. A red-beaked bird flies free. Three girls born on the same day in wolf light, the magical dusk, are bound together to protect the

  • The Day the Mountain Moved


    Uppläsare: Angus King
    9-12 år Ljudbok, 2023, Engelska, ISBN 9788728590805

    Are you ready for another action-packed adventure with Gavin, Clare, Michael, and Mot? From fighting a gang of crazy criminals to building their den out of a ruined castle, the